Easy Annual Money Management Dashboard

  • Does the word "budget" freak you out and make you think of impossible restriction and unattainable financial goals?
  • Do you make spending decisions based on your income or bank balance?
  • Do you find yourself spending more than you make each month, despite your best efforts to "live within your means"?
  • Are you completely unaware of exactly how much you are spending on food, gas, coffee, bills, or fun things?
  • Does the idea of creating a budget to manage your money and become aware of your spending terrify you?
  • Do you have savings goals like paying off credit cards or saving for a special trip, but struggle to make those actually happen?

If any of those sound like you, the Easy Money Management Dashboard can help!

What You'll Learn

In just 45 minutes, you'll learn how to setup this straight forward financial dashboard so that you can...

  • Know exactly how much money you are bringing in (income) and putting into your back account each month.
  • Know exactly how much you are spending on living expenses and luxturies (including business expenses) without having to take hours each month to enter your purchases in.
  • Have access to your financial dashboard on your mobile phone (using Google Sheets) so that you can build the habit of entering your purchases on-the-go and never be overwhelmed with data entry again.
  • Be able to see your entire financial standing at a glance from your desktop or phone, anywhere, anytime.
  • Always have your budget caught up and current... AND have all of your savings for fun things and financial goals automatically happen without any additional effort on your part.

Why I Made This Course

I'm Betty Jean Bell and for most of my life, I struggled with my finances. Seven years ago, I decided to do something about it. I took every budgeting and wealth building course I could find... Financial Peace University, for example, plus several $5,000 or more wealth building and budgeting courses by multi-millionaires who had made, lost, and re-made their money several times and had tools and tricks to teach about keeping up with our spending and becoming part of the wealthy 1%.

My gift is making complex information simple. Every single one of those courses took weeks or months to learn and implement. The more I used them, the more I thought to myself, "I KNOW there is an easier way."

This spreadsheet is the culmination of all of those learnings + my own learnings as I adapted the spreadsheet to my own goals, spending, and life.

How Long The Course Takes

In less than an hour, you will learn how to set up your entire spreadsheet to fit YOUR money life and goals. With an additional few minutes or hours of adding your recurring monthly and quarterly bills + adding your personal savings and spending goals percentages (which will be explained in the course), you will have your ENTIRE YEAR of budgeting and money management handled. The only thing left will be entering your daily spending which you can do from your mobile phone minutes after you make the purchase.

Gone will be the days of building a budget and never being able to keep up with it.

And never again will you have to wonder how your going to come up with the money to pay off debt or save for fun things like buying Christmas presents, trips, or self-improvement education.

Don't Let The Word "Spreadsheet" or "Budget" Freak You Out... You Can Do This!

Don't let the word "spreadsheet" stress you out. Inside the course, I explain EXACTLY how to customize this annual financial dashboard for your goals. You can pause the video to work on your own spreadsheet or rewatch the video as many times as you need until you have it down.

This spreadsheet has entirely changed my financial life. It allowed me to pay off $30,000 in debt at one point in my life, then pay off $90,000 in debt later. Today, my husband and I live debt free and never worry about whether we have the money to pay for anything we desire. At a glace, we ALWAYS KNOW where we stand financially and where we want to grow and improve.

I live on this easy to use financial dashboard and know you will, too.

Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident that you will love this dashboard that I offer at 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. I want everyone to succeed financially, especially you. If this dashboard doesn't help you, then I don't want your money. :)

Wishing you all the success and prosperity this life has to offer... and that's a lot!

Sending love and blessings,
Betty Jean Bell

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This is a BJB International, LLC offering.

This product is not currently for sale.

You'll get...

45-minute Video Training on Setting Up Your Financial Dashboard
$499 value
1-Year Google Spreadsheet Financial Dashboard
For Access on Mobile Devices
1-Year Excel Spreadsheet Financial Dashboard
In case you don't use Google Sheets
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Easy Annual Money Management Dashboard